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MAED: School Counseling
Kayla Cook
Graduate Counselor
(714) 984-0146
[email protected]
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Designed for working educators, 这个以队列为基础的硕士学位课程为学生提供K-12年级的公立和私立学校辅导员服务,并满足学生人事服务证书的要求, 在加州,学校辅导员是由哪条法律授权的. Upon successful completion of the program, 学生将准备在加利福尼亚州担任学校辅导员. 该课程由康考迪亚大学欧文分校在线提供.
MAED在学校咨询需要至少48个单元. MAED课程侧重于当今学校辅导员在不同学校环境中工作所需的理论和技能,包括:学术, career, personal and social development counseling and guidance; educational assessment; counseling diverse populations and exceptional students; crisis response and management; school-wide prevention and intervention programs; providing consultation, training and professional development for teachers and parents; counseling program development; and law and ethics in schools.
本课程将介绍和概述基本的咨询技巧和人际关系的概念. Students will be introduced to theory, roles, functions, 以及当前的学校咨询问题,重点是当今学校咨询师在教育和专业环境中与不同人群合作所需要的基本入门技能.
本课程旨在提供教育基础, including human growth and development, learning theory, and academic achievement. 除了了解人类整个生命周期的发展以及阻碍发展的因素, 学生将能够识别和应用教学的最佳做法, appropriate evidence-based curriculum, classroom management strategies, 以及满足所有学习者需求的课堂教学.
This course is designed to teach candidates to plan, develop, implement, 评估一个全面的学校咨询项目,并作为在K-12学校系统中实施ASCA模式的介绍. 候选人将使用数据来阐明综合学校咨询项目的影响,并将展示设计能力, develop, and deliver prevention & intervention programs to have a positive impact on student achievement, attendance, and discipline.
本课程将概述心理咨询和心理治疗的主要理论和技术, prominent figures, and current application of these theories are explored. 目前在不同背景下的学校咨询的最佳做法, 批判性地考察主要理论,引导形成自己的个人风格, 并强调了学校心理咨询的方法.
This course focuses on the development, planning, implementation, 并通过理论的视角对学校小团体心理咨询进行评价, research, case studies, and real-world, school-based practice. 候选人将在小组咨询中示范和展示基本的咨询技能,以解决阻碍学生成就的潜在问题.
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All dates subject to change without notice. 在确定任何旅行之前,一定要和你的顾问核对一下日期.
完成您的硕士学位,在学校咨询注册我们的完全在线, synchronous program. 学习者将参加一个内容课程和一个实习/实地工作经验,最多8周的学期.
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By Magazine Editorial Team
As a school psychologist in a public elementary school, and a well-loved adjunct professor at Concordia Irvine, Dr. 安东尼娅·布朗为他人创造了接纳和鼓励的氛围. “We become family with the students,” Brown says. “They have to trust that you’ll support them, point them in the right direction and tell them, ‘You’re doing okay. You’re going to get there.“我班上的学生都有信仰和爱.”
MAED在学校咨询队列为基础的学位课程是针对学校辅导员在公立和私立学校K-12年级的服务在加利福尼亚州的准备. The program is offered online.
康考迪亚教育学院提供价格具有竞争力的在线学位课程. 为方便起见,我们为研究生提供付款计划. 我们的顾问可以帮助你计划如何资助你的教育. 我们还可以指导您完成申请经济援助的过程.
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Concordia’s School of Education offers four different teaching credentials, seven distinctive Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) graduate degrees, and a Doctorate of Education (EdD) in Leadership. 班级规模小,注重批判性的发展, independent thinking, and are taught by experienced Christian faculty members. 康考迪亚的教育学院在学术界享有很高的声誉,成千上万的毕业生在整个地区的学校中处于领先地位. 学生获得有针对性的知识和熟练的技能来连接, care, collaborate, and create in their unique role in education. 我们的目标是让学生有能力追求机会,促进他们的职业发展.
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